Shane Schmid

Photo of Shane Schmid
The Shoals, Alabama
Regis University, Universal Class
High-Performance Vehicles, PC Gaming, Audio/Video
  • Shane has written hundreds of articles about new automobiles, from sport coupes and electric sedans to high-output diesel trucks, detailing innovative new technology.
  • He has a passion for gaming and has been working as a list writer for a popular gaming site, where his articles have ranked among the top in weekly views covering Indie to AAA titles.
  • As a five-star author on a prominent writing platform, Shane has had the opportunity to cover various topics, including new technology in audio, video, applications, and gaming peripherals.


Shane started his writing career as a freelance content writer in 2020 and has worked as a ghostwriter, blogger, and list writer, where his work has been published on many different sites. His previous background was in information technology, where he enjoyed creating how-to guides for troubleshooting common system and application issues. Shane discovered his desire to become a writer while getting his bachelor's degree in science, which required many essays and research assignments.


Shane has a bachelor's degree in applied psychology and a Technical Writing Certificate from Universal Class.
SlashGear Editorial Policies

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Our editors, advisors, and fact-checkers conduct regular reviews to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of our articles. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Shane Schmid