What Is The Twisty Tool In A Swiss Army Knife For & How Do You Use It?

For those who spend time wandering in the woods or toiling away at a work site, a good multi-tool like the Harbor Freight Gordon can be an invaluable asset. However, arguments could be made that those popular devices owe a considerable debt to the Swiss Army, whose famed knives have long offered multi-tool functionality. Over the years, the aptly-named Swiss Army Knife has become a popular item for individuals not employed by any military faction, with many packing one away in their pockets or glove boxes on the off chance that one of its various tools — like the built-in multi-use hook — might come in handy.


While the swath of tools tucked away in a Swiss Army Knife can vary greatly depending on the model, there are some relatively standard fixtures in the lineup, including a knife blade, a nail file with screwdriver tip, scissors, and tweezers, among other things. That set of tools can help you accomplish many tasks to be certain, but none of them are going to be much help on occasions that require you to open a bottle of wine in the wild.

Thankfully, many Swiss Army Knives are also outfitted with a little twisty tool with a sharp, pointed end. Whether you realize it or not, the twisty tool that folds neatly into some Swiss Army Knives is indeed a corkscrew, and the primary function of that particular tool is to remove a cork from an unopened bottle of wine.  


How to use the corkscrew on your Swiss Army Knife

The corkscrew tool on a Swiss Army Knife is, admittedly, not the most ideal tool for opening a bottle of wine, but it'll absolutely do in a pinch if you're not equipped with the proper gear like a double-hinged wine key. While using a corkscrew might seem self-explanatory, a tutorial may be in order for some. With a wine bottle and Swiss Army Knife in hand, follow these steps to remove the cork using the corkscrew tool.

  1. Fully open the corkscrew tool on your Swiss Army Knife, ensuring all other tools are closed and secure.
  2. Remove any foil from the wine bottle and secure it with one hand.
  3. Center the sharp end of the corkscrew on the cork and insert it.
  4. Turn the Swiss Army Knife in a clockwise motion until it has fully penetrated the cork.
  5. With a firm grip on the bottle, pull back on the Swiss Army Knife, releasing the cork from the bottle's opening.
  6. Remove the cork from the corkscrew, and close the tool. 

Like the incredibly useful fish-scaler built into many Swiss Army Knives, the corkscrew tool can be used for things other than uncorking a wine bottle. Some users have even found the tool's sharp end helpful in undoing knots that are stuck, as well as loosening a burned-down candle stub from a holder. It can also hold a Victorinox pen for use as a drawing compass, and to remove dirt from under fingernails. It might even suffice as a self-defense measure if need be.

