Patrick Phillips

Photo of Patrick Phillips
Washington, D.C.
East Carolina University
Streaming Services And Streaming Technology, Mac Products, Turntable Tech And Vinyl Culture
  • Patrick is a firm believer that music technology may never surpass the invention of the iPod. And he's ready to die on that hill.
  • He is, however, analog at heart, and spends much of his downtime tweaking, upgrading, and generally obsessing over the audio setup for his beloved turntable.
  • Patrick continues to marvel at the myriad ways technology is both enhancing and destroying cinema as we know it.


Patrick has written professionally for the better part of the past decade, leaving behind the glorious hospitality industry to pen articles and essays covering tech, music, comics, and the film & television industries. Though pop culture has been a primary focus for Patrick at Static Media, he's always kept a close eye on the tech realm. He enjoys reading about and testing out any new gadget that hits the market. And he loves sharing his thoughts on each.


Patrick earned his BA in English from East Carolina University.
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Stories By Patrick Phillips