ZipCharge Go Is A Massive Power Bank For Charging EVs Anywhere
Ask the average person whether they'd be open to switching from a gasoline-powered to an all-electric vehicle and the responses are likely to revolve around the topics of charging and range anxiety. What happens if you run low on power without a nearby charging station? ZipCharge addresses that concern with a new power bank product made specifically for EVs.
ZipCharge has introduced its new ZipCharge Go portable charger. The device is described as about the size of a suitcase and, like the luggage that apparently inspired it, the power bank features wheels and a handle for easy transport. Rather than holding a spare change of clothes, however, Go is packed with batteries capable of adding 20 to 40 miles of range to an EV.
According to ZipCharge, the Go power bank can be recharged using any plug socket. Once charged, the suitcase-like battery can be loaded into an EV as a backup in case the vehicle runs low on energy in an inconvenient location. Go charges EVs using the standard Type 2 cable.
ZipCharge Go features quick charging support and takes between 30 minutes and an hour to deliver a full charge to an EV. The company has paired its power bank with a companion app that can, among other things, be used to automatically schedule charging when rates are low. In addition to EVs, Go can be used with plug-in hybrid vehicles that include the standard Type-2 socket.
In addition to offering a boost in emergency situations, ZipCharge positions its Go power bank as a way for EV owners to recharge their vehicles in situations where home charging may not be accessible. Though some apartment complexes offer charging stations for residents, many do not, meaning EV owners must use more costly public charging stations. Likewise, many homeowners lack off-road parking, which means setting up a charging station in the garage isn't an option.
As an alternative, ZipCharge suggests Go can be utilized to recharge a vehicle at home or during other times when convenient, reducing dependency on public charging stations. This can include, for example, popping in the charger during one's lunch break, though there's always the concern of theft when one leaves the (highly portable) battery unattended.
Inside EVs reports that ZipCharge Go isn't yet available to purchase; it was recently unveiled at the COP26 climate summit. The model will be made available at the consumer level, though ZipCharge is also targeting business fleets as potential customers. According to the report, ZipCharge will offer Go under a lease for the equivalent of $67/month, as well as with a purchase option, though the price tag hasn't been revealed yet.