YouTube glitter bomb video 'faked', sort of (but not really)

How can something be fake, but at the same time not fake at all? When it comes to viral content on the internet, anything is possible. Last week we had a peek at the contents of a box made by a former NASA JPL engineer that aimed to deliver glitter bombs to package thieves. As it turns out, parts of the video he produced weren't as simply epic as they appeared.


The video, as we discussed at length, showed a glitter bomb. This was a set of mechanisms, smartphones, and glitter, all inside an Apple HomePod box. The box was mocked up to look like a legitimate (and potentially lucrative, if stolen and sold), mailed package.

The package was stolen from the doorstep of the creator more than once, and due to the cameras placed inside the package, all reactions were filmed. The reactions by thieves that took the box from the doorstep of the creator of the package remain untainted by the revelations posted since the launch of the original video. Fast forward to today, and it would appear that a couple of these box openings filmed on behalf of OTHER people – they weren't quite so legit.


Suspicious coincidences in the Glitter Bomb video – caution: wild-ass guessing and uninformed speculation within

Above you'll see one massive investigation into the package in the video and the "stealing" of the video therein. The package was apparently NOT the victim of real thieves in every case in which it was opened. Below you'll see a note from the creator of the original video – updated this week after evidence of malfeasance was revealed.

Next you'll find a sort of BONUS video made by an associate of the original video maker. This video shows how the glitter bomb works. This is how you make a simple idea into something insane.

That video comes from Sean Hodgins, who apparently designed, built, and programmed the original glitter bomb.

