Yahoo CEO Mayer: Lack Of Hardware, Software Allows For "Strong Partnerships"

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer took the reigns of the company back in July, and it's been a busy time for her and the company so far. Mayer has made quite a bit of changes, including hiring a new head for Yahoo's Flickr division, as well as giving all employees a new company smartphone. The CEO also just did her first television interview with Bloomberg, and she revealed some details about the company and reflected on her time so far as CEO.


Over the course of the 30-minute interview, Mayer talked about Yahoo's mobile strategy, the company's culture, and the future of technology. When asked how a company like Yahoo competes in a technology industry where mobile reigns, Mayer said that, since Yahoo doesn't make mobile hardware, a mobile OS, a browser, or a social network, it allows the company more opportunities "for strong partnerships." Mayer says that Yahoo will be mainly focused on building relationships and creating partnerships with other companies.

She also discussed the impact that Yahoo is making in the mobile realm, and said that the company is also focused on pushing out content to mobile users. Yahoo already has apps for iOS and Android, and Mayer thinks that Yahoo can become part of users' "daily habits," which can "provide a lot of value to the end user," while also providing value to the company.


Mayer also talked about company culture, and while she shook things up by cleaning house, she was adamant about "building the right team." As for the future of the company, Mayer is really interested in personalization, such as image recognition, voice recognition, and translation. She says that it's all about "being able to take personalized notions," such as likes on Facebook, tweets, articles, etc., "and taking all those signals and mapping those to understand, for example, I like clean energy on Facebook and I tweet out something about green energy, that is in fact the same interest as mine."

[via Business Insider]

