Xbox One Counts Sales In Zombie Kills Despite Tight Availability
Xbox One gamers have spent more than 50m hours playing titles and consuming entertainment on their next-gen console, Microsoft has announced, warning that "demand is far exceeding supply" in each of the thirteen countries the PS4 rival has launched in. Taking a different route to Sony, which confirmed 2.1m PlayStation 4 sales since launch earlier today, Microsoft's number blast picks out the headline statistics from each of the high profile launch titles that arrived alongside the Xbox One.
For instance, in Dead Rising 3, over three billion zombies have apparently been killed, while over 186m enemies have been defeated in Ryse: Son of Rome. In Killer Instinct, meanwhile, over 150 million combos have been carried out.
In Forza Motorsport 5, one of the most hotly-anticipated games for the Xbox One, over 90m miles have been driven. Microsoft points out that that's the equivalent of 3,673 trips around the world.

What Microsoft isn't saying is exactly how many Xbox One consoles it has actually sold. According to corporate vice president of strategy and marketing for Xbox, Yusuf Mehdi, the numbers are the biggest so far – "Eleven days in we are seeing record breaking sales" he said today – but they're still playing them close to their chest.
That could well be because Microsoft simply can't keep up with demand, and indeed one thing Microsoft concedes hasn't been going so well is Xbox One availability, with the console in short supply for those who didn't pre-order. "The team is working hard to meet consumer demand and we are delivering consoles to retailers as fast as possible this holiday season" the company said today. "As more and more people are looking to join the fun, it has become increasingly more challenging to find Xbox One in stores."