WSJ: Nexus 6 launching this month

According to a new report from The Wall Street Journal, that whale of a phone (almost not kidding) from Google will hit us by the time November does. Sources tell them the Nexus 6, which has gone by the apt codename "Shamu" so far, is set for release at some point in October. The Nexus flagship, replete with a 6-inch screen, has been spotted and benchmarked several times, but we've yet to hear anything close to official. Still, October is a very proper time to launch the phone.


Launching the Nexus 6 in October fits a tidy niche between Apple iPhone hype and the Christmas rush. Launching this month means it's ready for release by the time consumers are ready to shop, and if Google has their supply chain figured out — they won't run dry of devices.

October isn't an odd choice, either. The Nexus 5 launched on Halloween last year, where Google simply posted it to Google+ and put the device on Google Play.

The report also "confirms" Motorola is making the device, and that it's got that big 'ol screen.

There have been no solid confirmations of a release date, so we're all left to speculate. The tech press typically gets invitations to events, where they can point to launch dates for rumored devices. Again, Google didn't do that last year, so it's anyone's guess as to when it might launch.


Source: The Wall Street Journal

