Windows Virtual Desktop On iPad Could Be The Computer Apple Never Wanted

Ever since the debut of the iPad Pro, Apple has been talking about how its tablet could pretty much replace the long-standing definition of what computers are. But while countless of iPad Pro owners have been able to indeed do work or live completely off an iPad Pro, it's just a fact that not all the "pro" software one needs is available on iOS. That argument might soon be moot, however, and you might soon be able to do everything on an iPad. Unfortunately, it will be Microsoft who will have the last laugh thanks to its Window Virtual Desktop.


The software isn't exactly new. Launched in preview last year, Windows Virtual Desktop is practically just a multi-user Windows 10 desktop running remotely on Microsoft's Azure cloud.

What's new, however, is mouse support on iOS as shown by MS Remote Desktop Service Group Manager Scott Manchester. That is a pretty big thing considering how mouse-unfriendly iOS is, even when running remote desktops like this.

Not all Bluetooth mice would be supported though. The demo makes use of the Swiftpoint GT which was made exactly with that scenario in mind. In fact, the mouse already works that way with the likes of Teamviewer, VMware, Splashtop, and Parallels just to name a few. So, in a way, that's not so special either. More mice are expected to be supported later on.


It does mean, though, that an iPad can now really become the only device you need to take with you. Provided you're able to connect to the Windows Virtual Desktop from anywhere, of course. Probably not the use case Apple had in mind.

