Windows Phone 7 Policy Changed To Cut Down Inflated App Numbers

Microsoft has changed its app approval policy to reduce the number of apps in its Windows Phone 7 marketplace. This seems to go against the app market wars of who's got the most apps, but the move was to appease complaints that the Windows app market was inflated with too many titles from the same publisher that were very similar.


The new policy would limit how many apps per developer can be approved per day. Developers can still submit as many apps for approval as they want, but only a maximum of 20 of those apps can be approved each day. Users have been complaining that many very similar titles from the same publisher clutters up the marketplace making it more difficult to find other releases in the store.

"While these apps meet our certification requirements and give consumers a wider selection of content, we're also finding that publishing them in bulk degrades our customers' experience," said Microsoft's Todd Brix.

[via Electronista]

