Windows Mobile 6.1, 7, And 8 News
First, lets all agree that Windows Mobile 6 sucks, it does, you know it, sure, if you are a tech guru or a hard core business user, it probably has all of or at least most of the features you want. But how easy are they to access and use, here's and even better experiment, try and make a phone call, I assure you it should be easier.
Well, the Windows Mobile dev team have piped up and admitted to the problems (Hi, my name's Derek, and I work for Microsoft). Since admitting it is not only the first step, but the hardest, they've come a long way, but they didn't stop with admitting they have a problem, they went ahead and talked about some things they plan to do to fix it. The 6.1 update will feature some of the more basic parts of their upgrade scheme and will be seen as the first move by Microsoft to make their Windows Mobile platform easier to use, instead of just piling on the functionality.
From there they will continue reworking several components, doing their best to keep all the functionality, but with a newfound importance placed on making it all easy to use. On such upgrade is a complete revamping of the mobile version of IE to make it's ease of use on par with Mobile Safari, that's just up to version 7.0, there will be other major UI upgrades made for version 7, but version 8 is where it gets really interesting. Version 8 is where they intend to wipe the slate clean, take what they have learned from the past 7 versions and start anew, from the ground up, with the goal of brining you maximum integration, maximum functionality, and most importantly, the best user experience possible. That's all some very good news from the Windows Mobile team, now if only they could have a chat with their fellows over in the Windows Desktop development department and get them to start from scratch so we might actually get another great OS coming from Redmond.
What's Wrong With Windows Mobile and How WM7 and WM8 Are Going to Fix It [via gizmodo]