Who Is Winning The Format War In Europe? No One Really Knows

I really love numbers, they are so great to use when persuading people to believe something that may or may not actually be true. Remember when we told you that HD DVD was kicking ass and taking names over in Europe? According to that study, HD DVD players were outselling their Blu-ray competition 3:1. Now the Blu-ray Disc Association has their say on the matter.


According to the Blu-ray Disc Association, the numbers were skewed due to the absence of PS3 consoles and PC drives in the study. When those two are factored in, Blu-ray manages to take nearly 95% of the hardware sales. That's a huge difference.

Of course at the end of the day it all comes down to your thoughts on the PS3. Yes, it plays Blu-ray discs, so it should be included.  Then again, many PS3s aren't used for watching high-def movies at all, so you can't include them completely. So who's winning in Europe? No one really knows. You can't trust the numbers, numbers lie.

Blu-ray: Actually, we are the top in European sales [via engadget]

