Which Pandemic Pizza Is Your State's Favorite?
A study was done to discover the top pizza provider since March of 2020. A ranking of preferred pizza brands in each state in the United States was conducted with specific emphasis on orders sent during the still-active global pandemic we're living in today. It would appear that most states prefer pizza with little or no human contact – shocker!
To be clear, here, every single pizza brand has seen a dip in business over the past half-year. Per the study by Top Data we're working with today, "overall visits" to pizza chains since March of 2020 are down by 20%. The most popular pizza chain of 2020 thus far, Little Caesars, also saw a "6% reduction in visits" since March.

Above you'll see a map of the favorites for each of the continental United States of America. Below you'll see several shots of the top 5 brands in each of these states individually. It's weird when you see a single brand dominating a state, but not appearing anywhere else, isn't it?

Are you surprised that your state was absolutely commanded by Little Caesars over the last few months? Or are you shocked that any brand managed to edge out your favorite?

If you're miffed that a different brand didn't beat the "Pizza Pizza" brand, take note that this study isn't as all-encompassing as a true king of pizza study should be. Instead, it's working with a limited data set based on anonymously-gathered smartphone data.

Information gathered by Top for the study noted above came from data captured via Cubiq. This study made use of Cubiq's Clara, a system which "enhances understanding of the offline customer path to purchase." This system works with "anonymous collection of location data and analysis of aggregated offline trends."

So here's the real kicker – this study really, truly, only works with cell phone location data. As such, this study analyzes "in-store visits" ONLY. While Little Caesars could still be the delivery champ (since they work with 3rd-party delivery services now, too), this study only shows in-store visits to pizza places. As such, Little Caesars was in a PRIME position to take a commanding lead in the year 2020, the year Social Distancing began.
If a study was conducted that (in some anonymously-gathered way) showed the most-purchased brand of pizza in the USA over the past half-year, which would come out on top?