What Do Gamers Do When They Camp Out For An iPhone?

I, like many others lined up for the iPhone well in advance of the 8am store openings. I showed up to my local AT&T store at around midnight to find only7 other people in line. It started pouring down rain almost as soon as I pulled up, but after a little over an hour, it let up. Those of us there got to talking, and as luck would have it, they were fellow gamers. So what do you do when a bunch of gamers are stuck in one place for 8 hours? You bust out a 360 and a projector, and you game.


One of the guys had decided to bring their 360 and a small projector to the store, in hopes to keep us entertained. We were excited to find two available outlets on the wall we were going to use, however, they were dead. Someone else had brought their power inverter, but alas, it was not enough. I rushed off and came back with a heavy-duty 750-Watt inverter, which was more than enough to handle the job.

We spent probably 3 hours playing a variety of sports games (not my thing, but it was still a blast). Once we got bored with that, someone broke out a real football and we tossed it around for an hour or two. There were other shennanigans which included bets on whether or not someone could run to McDonald's and back in under 5 minutes. I have to say, the dude ran pretty far (and across 4 lanes of traffic) and made it back in under 3. It was nuts.


I have to say that was the most fun I've ever had camping out for something. I packed my DS and a PSP in case I got bored, but I really didn't end up playing either one very much.

