Warner Bros Reminiscence Site Uses Deepfake Tech To Put You In The Trailer
The soon-to-be-released science fiction movie starring Huge Jackman, Reminiscence, has one of the most unique promotional websites in the industry — it uses 'deepfake' technology to put viewers or their loved ones in the trailer. The website also encourages viewers to engage with the content using interactive commands.
To understand the unique trailer offered on the Reminiscence website, you first need to know what the movie is about. The film, which comes from director Lisa Joy, tells the story of a scientist who figures out a way to relive past memories, kicking off the conspiracy plot we'll see in the movie.

The Reminiscence website gives viewers the chance to experience this memory retrieval for themselves, sort of, using deepfake technology. To do this, the website's visitors upload images of either themselves or someone they know, then answer a question about the memories associated with that person.
A couple of interactive prompts require the user to "connect neurons" and adjust the emotion associated with the person before proceeding to the 'memory.' The trailer involves actor Hugh Jackman inserting a card with the user's name into a machine, then pulling up the beginning of a memory that features the face of the person they uploaded.
The deepfake quality is excellent, fully animating a static image to look like a real video of that person. Users can download the memory to share elsewhere if they'd like. Note: The website's interactive trailer will only work if you disable any adblockers you may have on your browser.