Video demo of Netflix streaming on Xbox 360

In case you missed the big news last week, your Xbox 360 is going to be able to stream Netflix movies this Fall. Sure, with a little work you can get this functionality already, but it's not nearly as smooth as what we're going to get in a few months. Hit the jump for a video demonstration of the new service.


I've usually got a nice fully queue of movies on my Netflix account, and tend to take advantage of the streaming movies when I'm at my desk. I can definitely see me taking full advantage of the new feature in my living room.

There is only one downside to this, which may not be a big deal for many gamers. If you want to stream Netflix movies, you're going to need not only a Netflix account, but also an Xbox Live Gold account. If you already game online, then you probably aren't going to be bothered by this requirement. If you don't, then think of it as a cheap investment to watch streaming movies.

[via Xbox360 Fanboy]

