Victory Vision Has iPod Connectivity
Combine the title with picture and you will realize that Victory is a reference to the up and coming motorcycle manufacturer that has already made some amazing bikes. The next realization will likely be that the Vision is probably the first motorcycle with iPod connectivity you have ever heard of, and you would be right.
The bike itself is a work of art, and looks like something from the likes of Ferrari or Brammo Motorsports but on two wheels. Tack on the iPod support, optional 4-speaker sound system, and optional XM radio and you have a geeks dream bike.
The iPod connection isn't basic, simple, or dumbed down at all there are dedicated controls on the handlebars and an interface that's viewable on the dash of the bike. That's better than several cars that have iPod integration. It's a 2008 model, so if its not available now, it should be soon, and will probably cost you a decent price, but should be well worth it as Victory is more and more becoming a quality manufacturer of motorcycles and this bike looks great.
Victory Vision is the First iPod Motor Bike [via ChipChick]