Vessel Wants You To Pay For Video You Normally Watch For Free
There are plenty of places for you to go online to watch videos that you can use free. One of the most popular locations for watching these videos is YouTube. A new video streaming site is set to open that wants video consumers to pay to watch videos, that site is called Vessel. After a few months of work, the site is now ready to go public.
Vessel will charge $3 monthly to allow you to watch the same videos you are used to seeing for free on YouTube and other sources. The way the site hopes to talk you into paying $3 is by offering some of the videos you used to see for free in an exclusive window. The paid version of Vessel will give you a three-day window to watch a video before it turns up anywhere else.
What this means is that some of that video content that would have gone to YouTube at no cost will land here first and if you don't want to wait three days for it to go free, you will have to pay to see it. I think most people will simply wait out the three-day window.
There will be a free version of Vessel where you can get video clips for free. Vessel will launch with 165 channels and 135 of them will offer content exclusively for paid customers. You can get a free year subscription to the video offering if you sign up in the first three days, you can sign up now.
SOURCE: Recode