Uber Service Launches In Las Vegas & Monterrey, Mexico

Spend a little too much time on the casino floors and forget where you parked, or have a few too many drinks while partying on the Strip? Well, fear not, as your options for getting home safely have now increased, as the taxi-alternative ridesharing service Uber is now available in the Nevada cities of Las Vegas and Reno.


While Uber's expansion into additional cities is nothing new, it is noteworthy that the company got permission to operate in Vegas, with its strict rules when it comes to taxi service. For example, taxi drivers are prohibited from stopping to pick up passengers on the street unless they are waiting at designated stands. Likewise, taxis are only allowed to park and wait for fares at designated curbsides.

Luckily for Uber users, they won't need to do anything different from launching the smartphone app and requesting a pickup. But Nevada isn't the only new location for Uber this week, as they have also announced service in Monterrey, Mexico, one of the largest cities in the country's northeastern region. Base fares will start at 25 pesos, with a minimum fare of 60 pesos (US$4.40), and Uber says rides from the local airport to anywhere in Monterrey will run users about 250 pesos ($18.50).


Uber's timing for launching in Las Vegas couldn't be better, as come this January when the annual CES technology convention is held, their black cars will certainly be busy picking up journalists. Hopefully they also won't get plagued by those peak-hour price spikes that got them an "F" rating from the Better Business Bureau earlier this month.

VIA The Next Web

SOURCE Uber (1), (2)

