Tux Droid - A Penguin With Information

If it were up to me my house would be filled to the brim with penguin things. Unfortunately, there are other people in my household and it seems I'm the only one who likes the little critters. Luckily, though, it's just my household that pertains to and there are many, many items for me to choose from to stock my parts of the home.


Take this Tux Droid for example. Even though it almost looks irritated it's still adorable and useful too! Once you plug in the USB fish transmitter and install some software, your Tux Droid become a wireless communicator for you computer. Via dancing, spinning, flapping or flashing he can let you know when you have new email, RSS feeds, weather reports, etc...

You can have a Tux Droid for yourself for just £89.95. I now know what I'll be asking of my friends across the pond for Christmas this year.

Tux Droid Toy Alerts You [via Coolest Gadgets]

