Tumblr Shows Faith In Windows Phone 8 With Dedicated App

Tumblr has finally released a dedicated app for Windows Phone 8, being the last of the major mobile platforms to get a Tumblr app. This will give Tumblr users the opportunity to experience the social blogging platform on Microsoft's mobile operating system, complete with live tiles as well as most of the features that other mobile Tumblr users have been enjoying.


The new app includes the ability to follow users and post in all formats that Tumblr allows, including GIFs. Users will also be able to share photos, videos, links, text, etc. The user interface looks like any other Windows Phone 8 app, and it also supports Windows Phone 8's lock screen and live tiles, meaning that you can have the app display the latest images from your dashboard on your lock screen or Tumblr live tiles.

Tumblr has been taking its time rolling out mobile apps to various mobile operating system. Case in point: Android tablet support as well as iPad support arrived back in December, which is a bit late compared to most other popular services. However, it's out in full force now on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone 8.


Tumblr is also just starting to roll out ads to its mobile apps, giving the company another way to bring in the bacon. Tumblr announced just yesterday that they would start doing this. It's not yet known how this will affect users, or whether or not users will make a big fuss over it, but it's usually a common convention that people don't like ads, so many users may not take this lightly.

