Titanfall Video Shows New Swamplands Level Being Built

If you've ever wondered how a video game was put together, the team behind the Titanfall: Expedition expansion pack have given a rare look at what goes into making a level. What starts with basic geometry quickly evolves into a world of shadows, lighting, and haze.


It's a rare look at the making of a video game, and shows the product in all its forms. From a raw field of nothing more than minecraft-esque blocks to a immersive gaming environment, this video will probably have you hitting that tiny repeat circle again and again.

We also get a look at all that goes into a game; and this is just design. You may not consider the underlying effects that go into the world you game in, but it's all based on some very raw stuff. Blocks give way to textures, which get a little light added. Shadowing gets a treatment as well, and we get a nearly full-scale walkthrough of the Swamplands level.

Swamplands is set to be included in the new Expedition expansion pack for Titanfall, due this month at a cost of $9.99. In addition to the swamp, we'll be getting "Runoff" and "Wargames". Hopefully, we get some cool videos from those levels, too.


