Titanfall DLC "Expedition" Review
Three new Titanfall maps for a ten-spot – not a half-bad deal, right? That's what you'll get with the very first DLC for the Titanfall franchise – one called "Expedition" – three maps called Swamplands, Runoff, and Wargames. Today we've got a bit of a preview for those of you that've not yet taken the leap and a bit of judgement for those with a ten dollar bill burning a hole in their pocket as well.
Let's not play dumb – Swamplands is a very, very wet version of Endor. If you've ever wanted to jump in on the forest moon sans the Ewoks – and the massive deadly creatures that live on its dark side – this is your opportunity to bounce. Some day we're hoping to get speeder bikes and AT-STs to boot, but for now, it feels like home.

This map is very flat – even though there are trees throughout, this is far from the best place to be running from one side to the other on the walls. If you're particularly adept at double-jumping from tree to tree, you'll have an especially excellent time evading your enemies like a Predator.
This map is not particularly friendly to either pilots or Titans, but you might find yourself less frustrated (if you're prone to dying) if you hop in your Titan to get around.
Like each of the maps in this DLC, Swamplands might seem extra large to you at first. Once you get the hang of it, even capturing three locations in a game of Hardpoint won't seem too daunting.
This map is separated into several levels. In no other map can you run through essentially the entirety of the environment on one level or the other so easily. You can run on top of buildings, through their second level, on the ground, or down in the muck below.

In Runoff you've got a map that's similar to both Demeter and Airbase. Becoming a master of this map means being able to remember where you can jump from the top level down to the bottom while you continue to run.
Turning around to surprise a pilot that's chasing you can be extremely rewarding – and you're not going to want to sit still on this map at any point. Running through the lowest level as a pilot will generally result in death once you're a few minutes into the match – unless you're a real rodeo master.
Easily the most entertaining of the collection of maps available today, Wargames is an amalgamation of several previously-experienced environments. Inside Wargames you've got representations of Airbase Sierra, Rise, and Angel City.

This map represents a training ground for you and your fellow pilots. Unlike the previous training ground – the one you experience in the training mission, if you'll remember – this one is massive. While you may find yourself tiring of running in Swamplands, here in Wargames you've got plenty of wall running opportunities.
Wargames is also the most beautiful map in this map set, maybe even in the whole game. Neon lights and grids, flat blocks of color and organic elements as well. If you wished Titanfall could have a sprinkling of Portal at any point, this is it (without the portals, of course).
This DLC "Expedition" contains these three maps, and that's it. For $10 USD, this pack is worth your paying what you'd otherwise spend on a case of soda pop. If we had one wish in Titanfall – especially now that we're seeing new maps that we've paid for – it's that we could choose the maps we're playing in. Even if it were put up to player vote in the moments before the game loaded, it'd be a positive.
Now comes the dawn of a new age in Titanfall as well – without the DLC you'll also be getting an update which changes the way you interact with each different gameplay type. You can create preset pilots and Titans based on gameplay type where before you only had 5 pre-set units of both.

You'll also see tweaks and changes to the way certain weapons work in the weeks to come. Stick around SlashGear as we continue to run down the changes in our extensive Titanfall portal.