TikTok Resumes want to help you find work, paid customs coming soon

TikTok started out mostly as a network for sharing entertaining short videos, but it has exploded to become a new medium for getting ideas across. Despite the short format, TikTok users have found creative ways to make bullet points more attractive. The network is now fully embracing that use case in order to help users and prospective employers find each other with a new TikTok Resumes platform that feels almost like LinkedIn and Tinder smashed into one.


Although whimsical videos still comprise the majority of the network's library, TikTok has been used for all sorts of "serious" video content. Those range from commentary on sociopolitical events to informational material presented in a more digestible and entertaining format. TikTok is now challenging the creativity of job hunters to squeeze as much as they can about their professional qualifications in order to catch the attention of head hunters.

TikTok Resumes puts a social spin on that job application process, partnering with a few companies and organizations searching for entry-level applicants. The idea of a video resume sounds simple but putting it all in a memorable presentation with constrained time limits requires a lot more than just a simple video application. Perhaps it's fortunate that TikTok is looking into expanding the video limit to three minutes.


TikTok Resumes is available both in-app with the #TikTokResumes tag as well as a dedicated website for the program. It seems to be a time-limited event, however, open only for the US and from July 7 through July 31 only.

The network is also testing a "Shoutout" feature in Turkey and Dubai, where users can pay creators to create and broadcast a custom video. This seems to be the company's latest attempt at monetizing the network and helping its users make a profit from their videos. It isn't clear yet, however, when this feature will expand to other markets, presuming TikTok doesn't kill it before that happens.

