This Is Oculus Rift
Today Oculus revealed the Oculus Rift – the consumer model – for release in the first quarter of 2016. This headset is the culmination of several years of testing – both in private and in public, with developers using these headsets out in the open, like no product before. This final headset is simple, easy to use, and meant to be the highest-end experience for virtual reality gaming and beyond. What's more – this isn't just about Oculus anymore. They've also partnered with Microsoft for Xbox One functionality.
The following trailer should give you an idea of what the Oculus Rift looks like. This is not the important part of this equation. What's important is how comfortable it feels and how natural it makes your virtual reality experience seem.
In addition to working with Windows PC, this release version of Oculus Rift will stream Xbox One games the same way Windows 10 does. The headset will also be delivered with a wireless Xbox One controller. This is the same controller you can buy separately from the Oculus Rift.
Oculus Rift is a machine its creators want you to be able to work with no matter what your hardware is, to a point*.

While the headset has built-in headphones, you'll also be able to detach them and use your own, if you want.
*Hardware requirements (spec) are as follows:
• NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
• Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
• 8GB+ RAM
• Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
• 2x USB 3.0 ports
• Windows 7 SP1 or newer
This headset is not going to be nearly as difficult to put on as previous developer units. It's meant to "slide on line a baseball hat."

There's a sensor that looks as simple as a cylinder at the end of a stick could possibly look. It'll connect with USB.
And that's it.

The headset – the hardware – again, isn't the important part. It's the experience.
It's the unique experience you're not going to get anywhere else.

Stick around our Oculus tag portal for more on this environment through the future. Hit the Virtual Reality portal for the entire environment.
BONUS: Have a peek at Oculus Touch as well – more interaction!