The Interview To Open On Christmas Day
Apparently Sony has changed its mind. Or the President of the United States changed Sony's collective minds. One way or another, The Interview will be opening in a limited fashion on Christmas Day. The Plaza Atlanta will be one of the theaters to open The Interview on Christmas Day, and the movie will play until the 1st of 2015. After that time, the fate of the film is unknown – to the public, anyway. This film opening has been authorized by Sony officially.
According to The Plaza, The Interview will open "Exclusive" on 12/25. They go on to suggest that their theater will be "one of the few theaters in the nation to open the film." This suggests there MAY be a wider opening in the near future.
Tim League of Alamo Drafthouse Cinema has suggested that they'll be opening The Interview on Christmas Day as well. It's not known which Alamo theaters will open on Christmas, but you can bet they'll let it be known sooner than later – stay tuned on that.
Most theaters onboard with this feature will hold around five showings. The Plaza Theater has announced that they'll be showing the film at 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., and 9:35 p.m. on Christmas day.

UPDATE: Full Sony Statement above.