The CD-T300 Pro CD player is pretty but outdated

After coming across this CD player my initial thought was that they really need to give it up on the CD players. I may still buy the occasional CD but I just do it to download it onto my iPod. However, the fact that the design itself is so interesting, is enough to make me appreciate it even if its is a dying technology.


The CD-T300 Pro has gold plated tube legs, four amplification valves and two remote controls. With the shining blue lights it'd be perfect in any geeky lairs, since it does have a distinct Sci-Fi look to it.

It is made of aluminum alloy and weighs a whopping 24lbs. Although I love the look of it, I just don't think a lot of people still have much of a need for CD players, especially not expensive high end ones. This bad boy will cost you $12,000.

[via crave]

