The Apple Campus 2 Video That Clinched The Cupertino Spaceship
A clearer version of the video showing Apple Campus 2 – aka the Apple spaceship – has been shared, complete with architect Norman Foster reminiscing on Steve Jobs' first telephone call in which he asked for help designing the huge, circular complex. "One of the most memorable things – and perhaps vital to the project," Foster says, "was Steve saying "don't think of me as your client, think of me as one of your team.""
The video, uploaded not by Apple but by Unofficially Apple, also shows Foster walking through one of the large models of the donut-shaped facility, explaining it to Jony Ive in the process.

Although it's the shape of the new HQ which has captured the imagination of many – including the Cupertino planning board – in fact that wasn't one of the original briefs. "It didn't start as a circular building," Foster says, "it really grew into that."
Apple showed the video to the Cupertino city council last year, to help secure planning permission for the project. Although footage of the meeting has been shared, this is the perhaps clearest we've seen Apple's promotional video.
One of Campus 2's key advantages, it's said, will be how environmentally friendly it is. Apple intends to use passive cooling to avoid unnecessary HVAC use, while cars will be relegated underground and less polluting methods of transport prioritized.
Nonetheless, while ambitious in its scope, Apple Campus 2 is also proving challenging to build on time and to budget. Apple has already trimmed its plans after the initial scheme went $2bn over budget.
VIA Mike Elgan