Tabletpalooza Weeks 1 And 2 Winners Roundup : It Could Be You!
It's that time again, ladies and gentlemen, time to ring the bell for several of our winners in a contest. The contest we're dealing with right now has a total of FIVE Android tablets in it, each of them packed with a NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual-core processor inside. We've got two left, and you know what that means: three have already been assigned to winners! Are any of them you? Come inside and see!
Each of the following entries comes from a lucky soon-to-be recipient of a brand new Android tablet, one of them from Android Community and two of them from SlashGear. Each of these winners must contact us within the next 24 hours of this post being made, if they haven't already, in order to claim their prize! If the winner is you, contact us QUICK via giveaway @ unless, again, you're already in contact with us through some other means. If you do NOT contact us within 24 hours, we'll be forced to give your prize away in a later contest!
Below you'll find one entry from Facebook and two from Google+. All entrants had to submit entries to both sites in these first couple of weeks in order to complete their submission (and if you entered on Facebook and requested a G+ invite from us, you're in too, don't worry.) We randomly selected each of these winners, then went back and found our favorite of their two entries. We got some real characters!
First we have Hampton Lepig (whose real name is Harrold, but requested that we call him by this nickname for some reason or another!) He's the proud winner of our first Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1! Check out his Facebook entry right here, and we hope your son gets a lot of use out of the slate!

Next we've got Paul Hammond, who is clearly a fan of guns and Android, which we don't condone, but he does love hot sauce and Guns N Roses, which we certainly DO condone. Hope you don't shoot this Asus Eee Pad Transformer in the face, man!

Finally there's Alex Hernandez, who's entered our most recent tablet week here on SlashGear for the T-Mobile G-Slate. Hopefully Alex can use the tablet to surf the web, find, and purchase a brand new pair of pants, yes? Sounds good!

Now remember, this isn't the end of the contest, only a roundup of the first few winners! We had a bit of a complication with the first time we tried to give away the Acer Iconia Tab A500 on Android Community, so we've decided to include it in our final week here on SlashGear. Therefor our last two giveaways during this final week are thus: SlashGear has an Acer Iconia Tab A500, and Android Community has a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1! Try for them both! Both have separate entry posts now if not soon, remember to hit them both separately! Have fun!