T-Mobile May Be Bringing Accessories To JUMP
T-Mobile's JUMP program ignited a new trend for mobile carriers. We're no loner expected to buy into blind subsidies, instead having the option to pay monthly for our devices, and upgrade at just about any time we like. T-Mobile may be doing the same thing for accessories, as a new leaked document shows what may be the next iteration of JUMP.
Obtained by T-Mo News, the document notes that accessories are eligible for EIP — that's Equipment Installment Plan — payments on the 20th of July. The document also advises employees to push accessories on every customer that walks through their door; an important sales metric for commissioned employees at carrier stores.
The document doesn't get into specifics on how EIP will work for accessories. With smartphones, the cost is broken out over 24 months. A bluetooth headset could cost as little as one dollar (or so) monthly under that plan. A smartwatch, though — that's likely the real aim, here. Taking a $250-300 smartwatch and letting consumers pay for it monthly is a move that could pay off.
Expensive bluetooth speakers and headphones could also see some movement off store shelves under this program. It's a clever way to move non-smartphone products, and a smart way to keep customers tied to a carrier that doesn't offer subsidized plans.
Source: TmoNews