Sudden Stop flashes to prevent rear-end collisions

I have been involved in more than one rear-end collision since I started driving years ago. Once I was the one doing the hitting, in the other I was struck. In the one where I struck the other driver, I didn't notice that he had hit his brakes hard until it was too late. Something like the Sudden Stop would have probably prevented the accident.


The Sudden Stop is a relatively simple concept. It is basically a set of lights that mounts to your license plate and flashes for around 3 seconds when you brake hard. It determines how fast you are decelerating by calculating the G-Force. This prevents it from flashing when you are just braking as usual.

The reason for the creation of this device is that when traveling at 60MPH if you have an extra .25 seconds to stop, that'll add up to around 20 feet of distance you're saving. The flashing lights should alert drivers behind you so that they can have that extra time to stop.

The unit is entirely self-contained and mounts behind your license plate with the lights showing on either side. There aren't any wires to hook up, so installing it will be a breeze. The eight coin cell lithium batteries are rated to keep the Sudden Stop running for around 15,000 hours. That's about 2 to 3 years worth of safety. You can order one from the Sudden Stop website for just $29.99.


