Hand on a white Android phone
Tech & Auto
Why You Should Probably Put Your Android Phone On Dark Mode
Both Android and iOS offer a dark mode setting for changing the UI color palette from plain white to pitch black. Using Android's version offers some key advantages.
Arguably, the biggest advantage is avoiding the blinding brightness that hits the eyes if you need to quickly check your phone in a dark room, which is an unpleasant experience.
It also saves a healthy amount of battery juice. According to Google's own research, enabling dark mode draws 60% less power from the battery with brightness set at the 100% level.
Dark mode also reduces eye strain. While there's a lack of research linking digital eye strain with dark mode, some studies suggest it can affect one's sleep cycle and alertness.
To enable dark mode on an Android, swipe down the top of the screen to open the quick settings tiles page and look for the dark mode option, or go to Settings > Display > Dark.