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What Really Happens At The Edge Of The Universe
You may be thinking about the "edge" of the universe as a point at which you could turn around and see a zoomed-out view of everything — every galaxy, every planet, every star, and so forth; however, this probably isn’t the right way to approach the concept. According to Space, even if you were to catch up with the edge, there would simply just be more universe.
Imagine holding the entirety of the universe in your hands, and what you’d probably have is a sphere-shaped object that stays the same size while the contents inside shift around. Since the universe is self-contained (not unlike a video game world), though, you could never truly become aware of an outside, at least not without interdimensional travel.
Moreover, as the universe expands (which happens faster than the speed of light), so do the distances between objects in space. Entire galaxies may be traveling away from your own point in spacetime at speeds that are also faster than the speed of light.
So, the question may not actually be "what really happens at the edge of the universe?" A more pertinent one might be "what's beyond our observable universe?" — which is, as astrophysicists at the University of Lyon theorized in 2021, just more universe.