Musician Neil Young
Tech & Auto
These Cars From Neil Young’s Collection Prove He Has Great Taste
Biodiesel Hummer
As an environmentally conscious musician, Neil Young's Hummer is a converted model. It was reimagined through his biodiesel conversion company, LincVolt.
It's only fitting that Neil Young would target one of the biggest gas users to showcase the potential for change. Young's chosen exterior stylings further drive home the point.
1947 Buick
One of Young's most prominent collector pieces is a 1947 Buick Roadmaster sedan. As he told NPR, he was attracted to the car's "soul, design, culture, [and] expression."
He fondly added that the '47 Roadmaster is a "classic" American design with its rounded top, flared front bumpers, and pair of bubbles that complete the iconic, aerodynamic look.
1959 Lincoln
One of Young's most visible automobiles is his 1959 Lincoln Continental, a white-cream convertible sporting all the classical body stylings of a 1950s daily driver.
However, there was a significant change to the vehicle that Young personally oversaw: swapping out the stock V8 engine with an electric motor that can still perform at high output.