Bill Gates at an event
Tech & Auto
The Surprising Game That Inspired Bill Gates To Create The Xbox
Despite barely building hardware, Microsoft ventured into making gaming consoles with the original Xbox in 2001 and found massive success.
Appropriately, Microsoft's inspiration for breaking into the gaming market was due to Bill Gates' love for one particular game: Minesweeper.
According to Ars Technica, Minesweeper came to dominate Microsoft offices when it was released in 1990. Employees competed relentlessly for the shortest possible solution times.
Gates was obsessed with Minesweeper, ultimately removing the game from his own computer because it ate too much of his time.
Minesweeper and similar Windows-bundled games like Solitaire, Reversi, and the original Flight Simulator would prove to Microsoft that video gaming wasn't just for kids.
Gaming became part of Microsoft's workflow. Years later, the company's experience with games guided the release of its first console, leading to success despite the doubters.