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The Apple Car's First Test Drive Was A Total Disaster
From the outset, Apple’s car has faced a bumpy road — the company laid off around 200 employees working on the project in 2019 as part of a restructuring, and key executives and engineers have jumped to competitors like Meta and Ford. Now, news has emerged about the autonomous car's driving abilities, and if true, Apple’s driving AI might actually be dangerous.
According to rumors, Apple's car will not feature any windows, and instead of watching the actual world roll by, passengers could be looking at a virtual one. Also, two kinds of self-driving cars are reportedly planned: A semi-autonomous model is allegedly intended to hit the market first, followed by a fully autonomous car, which will lack a steering wheel or pedals.
Unfortunately, during its initial test run in Montana in the summer of 2021, the autonomous car allegedly slammed into curbs, struggled to stay in its lane, and nearly took out a jogger who was crossing the street. Apple reportedly wants to have its cars driving themselves around on public roads by 2025, but given the test-drive difficulties, the release date may be a little optimistic.