Tech & Auto
How To Choose Between Ground-Mounted And Roof-Mounted Solar Panels
Whether you put your solar panels on your roof or the ground depends on factors such as cost, maintenance, energy needs, and the layout of your property.
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While ground-mounted solar panels are ideal for maximum sun exposure, you may not have much yard space to spare. Roof-mounted panels are the best in this case.
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Ground-mounted panels typically cost more since they require a stable structure to be installed on, which requires surveying the land, digging holes, and laying foundation.
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An estimate by energy analyst company Wood Mackenzie says that roof-mounted panels cost around $23,920 for the whole setup, while Energy Sage estimates $37,000 for ground-mounting.
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Solar panels do require regular maintenance and cleaning, and having to climb onto your roof any time there’s an issue with the system can be tiresome.
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