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Android Auto Guide: How To Easily Connect To The System Wirelessly
By Quentyn Kennemer
Navigating a smartphone's various apps can be a huge distraction for drivers. Luckily, Android Auto streamlines these tasks to make your driving experience safer and enjoyable.
While you can plug your device into a car's USB port to launch Android Auto, you can also use Wireless Android Auto if your phone and vehicle are compatible with it.
Vehicle dashboard setup may vary, but generally, you'll want to begin by starting your car's engine or switching it to accessory mode to enable the wireless Android Auto feature.
Go to Settings on your smartphone, and ensure Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are enabled. Afterward, open the Android Auto app on your smartphone.
Follow your vehicle manufacturer's instructions to connect your phone to the car's Wi-Fi. Go to your phone's Bluetooth settings and search for your car's name on available devices.
Once your phone is connected, follow the on-screen instructions in the Android Auto app to set up and customize your experience.