Steve Wozniak Poses With His New Galaxy Nexus At Google Building 44
It would appear that aside from those here in the United States that dropped a mint on an internationally shipped Galaxy Nexus and those of you living in the UK where they're already in stores, it's just the publishers who were amongst the lucky to review the device and none other than Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak who now have Google's next hero phone in hand. For today, just one day after the UK launch of the Ice Cream Sandwich device, Woz was invited to have a Galaxy Nexus bestowed upon him along with a lovely Android 4.0 t-shirt. And there was much rejoicing.
Several Google employees have some lovely photos up on Google+, the first being the portrait orientation photo where you can see the Ice Cream Sandwich shirt the clearest over Wozniak's arm and the Donut and Android in the background photographed by +Nicolas Roard who is a software engineer working specifically on Android's web browser. Next it's +Kirill Grouchnikov who is a user interface engineer who notes that he's currently working specifically on Android in general at Google whose photos include the landscape orientation photo with no statues in the background. Finally there's +Adam Powell who is a Google software engineer like Roard, again working on Android – he's got the best pics of all, both of them portraits of a big bunch of Android folks standing around Woz in the center in front of the brand new Ice Cream Sandwich statue.
The packaging for the Galaxy Nexus you see Woz holding there is the same as you'll see coming out of the UK – off contract and on sale now, that is. Take another look at it in our in-house hands-on with the Galaxy Neuxs if you wish! Also note that we've got a final release Ice Cream Sandwich hands-on as well as a continuing series of videos surrounding the features you may or may not know about inside the Galaxy Nexus and Ice Cream Sandwich through the weekend as well!