Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Dated For September
One of the most highly-anticipated titles for this year (at least for me) is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. This looks to be the most bad-ass Star Wars game of all time. Who could resist becoming Darth Vader's secret apprentice and weilding the Wiimote as a lightsaber? If you're wondering exacly when you'll be able to get your Force on, we finally have the confirmed date.
It is still a good five months away, but I'd go ahead and mark off September 17th on your calender. While you're at it, I'd block off a good week after that to bask in its goodness.
If you're looking for some good exclusive gameplay footage, you might check out SpikeTV,a s they will be airing it this coming weekend during their Star Wars marathon.
[via PS3 Fanboy]