Sprint XOHM WiMAX Details Leak
Sprint's Xohm website, a work-in-progress detailing much of the carrier's plans for its high-speed WiMAX network, has been unearthed. While much of the site uses dummy filler-text, it does confirm 2-4Mbps download and 1-3Mbps upload speeds, as well as that access will be both by the day and by the month, with no binding contracts or cancellation fees. Several devices are also mentioned as being available from the September Xohm launch.
These include ZyXel's mobile WiMAX router (with an optional 4hr battery), the Nokia N810 WiMAX edition, ZTE's TU25 USB Xohm modem and Samsung's SWC-E100 ExpressCard Xohm modem (with optional PCMCIA adapter). There will also be a Xohm Portal, details of which have not been given, which will be compatible with PCs and Macs; the other devices, aside from the N810, are PC-only.
No pricing has been disclosed as yet, and the site has been gradually locked up since its discovery. However An EverNote archive of the details (albeit with dead links) can be found here.
[via Engadget Mobile]