Sony XEL-1 Broken Down - Shot From The Dissection At The Embedded Systems Conference

For some reason the announcement of a newer, thinner OLED TV by Sony and the attention of an event gave someone cause to disassemble an 11-inch OLED TV that costs $2500. It's 3mm thick, so reassembly was probably harder than disassembly.


Anyways, something interesting to find out was that the mainboard, which seems disproportionate to the rest of the TV, is in fact the same board as those found in Sony's Bravia line of TV's, just shrunken down to fit into this amazingly thin TV. I must admit when I first saw the above picture I thought it was a weird motherboard with a lot of hard drives plugged in, but nay, it's the back of the opened up XEL-1.

OLED is an amazing technology, and if you've never seen an OLED screen I assure you they are simply amazing to look at. Hopefully they can stop working on the thinness of the televisions and work on making them a more practical size for an affordable price, like something above 11-inches for something less than $2500.


[via HackADay]

