SlashDeal : Amazon HD-DVD BOGO

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If memory serves me right, this is the first BOGO HD-DVD at Amazon. It's to be expected with recent Businessweek's piece on Warner's endorsement toward the Blue Camp exclusively if Toshiba is to lose the software figures again this holiday season. The Red-Camp has been pounding the market with much affordable hardware while the Bluy army is going for BOGO software sale instead. Sony has 2 millions of potential Blu-ray users (from ps3) plus 700,000 standalone units to count on. Toshiba Black-Friday effort is paying off with total of 750,000 units sold thanks to Walmart head jump start on the HD-DVD $99 deal.


Both Camp has plenty of movie selection to choose from but you can't sell the software any faster without hardware. The question is can Toshiba make a comeback with barely 1 million units sold? The stake is high if Warner finally takes side on the Hi-Def War. I expect to see more HD-DVD BOGO on local electronic chain coming this weekend. Meanwhile, thanks to our reader 'Tony 's head up on HD-DVD BOGO. Here's the Amazon Hd-DVD Bogo, available with selected 78 titles from Universal and Warner. Thanks Tony C.

