SigZilla 200-500mm F2.8 Incompatible With 5D Mark II ?

The Sigzilla was back on show again this year, but with a different support. At PMA 2009 it appeared on a very tight-fitting Wimberley Ver II, so now wildlife photographers know they'll need no custom mounting if they want the fastest Autofocus 500mm at F2.8 ever built. On the other hand, not that you could afford one, or the behemoth optics were even practical on the field, 5D Mark II owners might have compatibility issues with the earth-green bazooka.


We were unable to get our 5D sequel to work on the Sizgilla, the aperture showed "00" and shifted erratically; that's usually a sign of lens incompatible or a filthy electronic contact, and we were pretty sure the contact was clean. When questioned, the rep didn't know if it was certified with the Canon 5D Mark II or not. I'm sure some of you are probably familiar with Sigma's rechipping process on old lenses to work with newer bodies. It got to be a pain to ship a 33-pounder super-tele, not to mention the insurance cost for a $34,000 lens?

Here are the test shots (full-size) at widest and tele-end of the Super-duper telephoto lens. Both were taken with a Canon 30D, and of, ironically, a Nikon sign.


ISO 800, F2.8, 1/250s at 500mm

ISO 800, F2.8, 1/400s at 200mm

