SHINY Pikachu In Pokemon GO Confirmed!
Pokemon GO's latest SHINY Pokemon has been confirmed as SHINY Pikachu, and it's out in the wild right this minute! As reported well before the fact by SlashGear back on the 28th of June, the next Pokemon to get the SHINY effect is indeed the most famous Pokemon of all. Our information was ever-so-slightly off on the date – by just about a month. All good things come to those that wait!
As our sources predicted, Pikachu's Shiny Form has arrive just in time for the month-long celebration of Pokemon GO's 1-year anniversary. While the event series began in early July (when the game actually launched in 2016), they've lasted through August! Now that we're into August, the latest series of events hits Japan with Pokemon GO Park, Pokemon GO Stadium, and the always amazing PIKACHU OUTBREAK.
Now, to be fair, Pikachu Outbreak happens independent of any Pokemon GO business, and it's happened before. It's an absolute nightmare for those citizens of Yokohama that are afraid of slightly larger-than-human sized anime characters running around the city – but too bad! It's a Pikachu explosion, all over the place!

To catch Shiny Pikachu, thus far it appears that trainers will need to be inside the borders of Yokohama, Japan. This is the place where Pikachu Outbreak is happening, and also where Pokemon GO Park is occurring. The same is true for Shiny Pichu, the Baby Pokemon version of Pikachu.
Pichu still only comes from Pokemon eggs, so users will need to hatch a Shiny Pichu and catch a Shiny Pikachu and Raichu. Unless they happen to hatch three Shiny Pichu, in which case they can feel free to evolve two to the Pikachu and Raichu forms, all of which will end up being Shiny.
Get your shiny on NOW and remember to stay tuned to Pokemon GO insider info headquarters at Pokemon GO Central on Facebook!