Shia LaBeouf Music Video Tells Tale Of "Actual Cannibal"
We've reached peak Shia LaBeouf, and the actor superstar himself isn't even directly involved. His name is involved, and indeed it does appear that the artist Rob Cantor does truly believe that he is speaking about Shia LeBeouf, but Shia is not actually in the building. What you're about to witness is pure, unadulterated entertainment and musical magic the likes of which we've not seen for... at least a week. This this "peak" goes entirely the opposite direction of the peak Matthew McConaughey.
Included here is a tale of intrigue, murder, and redemption. Wrestling a knife from Shia LaBeouf after he's chased you into the woods and you've gotten your leg caught in a bear trap. This is it.
This is how Shia LaBeouf will be immortalized.
Not because of his role in Transformers. Not because of his many indiscretions with writing and/or not writing his own original works. Here is where we see Shia LaBeouf become a legend.
This particular rendition of "SHIA LABEOUF" as written by Rob Cantor is also performed by Rob Cantor with several helping choirs. There are three choirs here, to be exact.
There's the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles. There's the West L.A. Children's Choir. There's the Argus Quartet. Together they create an epic event the likes of which you simply must see, and share with the whole world.
Please don't let your friends and family be the last to see this cautionary tale. Don't let them fall on the wrong path, as Shia LaBeouf did. Don't let them become an actual cannibal, too.
UPDATE: Watch out behind you, we were wrong! Shia LaBeouf actually was in the theater the entire time! He doesn't look happy about any of this!