Segway i2 And x2 Official Announcement Watch The Video!
It's official – Segway is introducing the street version known as the i2 and an all-terrain model, the x2. The x2 can travel across dirt, grass, gravel and sand. The price will range from $4,995 for the i2 and $5,495 for the x2. The maximum speed is 12.5 mph, and can go for 24 miles before requiring a charge. The new models will feature a new technology called LeanStear, allowing the vehicle to know whether the rider wants to go left or right! They'll also come with wireless controller that looks something like a big digital watch. The wireless controller allows the user to turn the vehicle on from a distance. The new models can sense when someone else steps on to help the rider keep track of speed and mileage.
Click through to watch the video of the new Segways in action!
Watch the Segway i2 and x2 in action!

Product Page [Segway]