Satechi Audio Move SD Review
Onto the SlashGear review bench has fallen one of the most powerful little beat-blasters able to be supplied with said music by a microSD card we may have ever seen. This is the Satechi Audio Move SD, and though you can plug your tiny memory card into its side to bring the heat to the block with stereo sound and some relatively excellent bass, you can also plug your iPhone, your Android, your Windows Phone, your BlackBerry, etcetera and etcetera into the side of this little monster and let the love flow!
This device is made to fit in your adult-sized pocket at 2.5-inches wide and 5-inches long. It's made to work with both microSDHC and microSD (which you'll see in the hands-on video shortly). You can plug it in to any device with a standard 3.5mm headphone jack and the battery that's built-in to the guts, you'll be getting sounds blasting for hours on end. Have a peek at the hands-on video here and see for yourself the simplicity:
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This unit has not yet powered down and we've been using it for a couple days. Not without pause, of course, but still – bring this to your workplace and jam on the tunes for a full 8 hours without any trouble whatsoever. You won't need to charge this device each night – maybe every other night. That being if you're using the microSD card or the line-in, though we're to understand that the line-in will bring you more hours than the card alone. You can also plug it in to the wall via your own miniUSB line for as much up time as you like – whatever you want!

That's the way you power up the internal battery, too, through the miniUSB port in the side of the device, right next to the line-in. This device provides lovely loud sound good enough for the office or your local skate park, but I'd bring a bigger blaster for a house party. Get an OK idea of how quality the sound is in the hands-on video, or just take my word for it: well worth the price. This device will cost you a cool $29.99 in Satechi's online store right this minute – available now!