Samsung VR9000H Robotic Vacuum Arrives In September

Samsung will be showing off a new robotic vacuum at the IFA 2014, the VR9000H POWERbot. With this new vacuum will come all the features you'd expect in a robotic vacuum, as well as a snazzy design that sets it apart from similar offerings (there will be a blue version released in South Korea, as well).


The new VR9000H features a digital inverter motor, as well as so-called "cyclone technology", to trump competitors' offerings (such as the Roomba) with what the maker claims is five times the suction force. Says Samsung, the combination of cyclone tech and an inverter motor results in both "persistent and constant" suction.

As with other robotic vacuums, the new Samsung POWERbot will do the cleaning on its own, using a Full View Sensor to scan the room in which it is located and identify things in its way, like a sofa. Complementing this is "Easy Pass", the name Samsung has given the wheel design.

With Easy Pass, it is promised the vacuum won't have issues dealing with cables and door thresholds. In addition to automatic cleaning, the vacuum can also be directed to clean locations using a laser pointer (point at a spilled pile of dirt, for example, and the vacuum will come clean it).


The device is set to launch next month.

SOURCE: Robot Reviews

