Samsung Omnia II Up For Pre-Order On Amazon, But For Sanity's Sake You Probably Shouldn't Look

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Amazon is pretty much a bastion of information at this point, isn't it? Things keep popping up on their site, both locally and globally that would lead most manufacturers to pull their hair out in frustration. And while we're sure that this time around, in regards to Samsung, no one is all that upset with the phone finding its way to the digital shelves, we're sure that someone has to be upset. Or maybe angry at the world. Because that's the only realistic way the Omnia II could have acquired a price like this.


Sure, it's unlocked. And that's all well and good, but come on Samsung. Or Amazon. Or whoever is in charge of this disaster, let's be real here. Take a look at Nokia's N900 going for $700 and that being glared at, and out of left-field comes the Omnia II for a grand? No. But, if you're interested in the price, then here's your stats: 5MP camera, 8GB on board storage, WiFi, GPS, Windows Mobile (6.1) that can be upgraded to 6.5 once available, and a 3.7" resistive, AMOLED display that runs TouchWiz 2.0.

Yes, there are good features, and yes, this phone is coming to Verizon, and this is the first time where we can say carrier subsidy will obviously be a beneficial thing. Is anyone thinking about pre-ordering this? Are you that excited for another Windows Mobile device, with some albeit fantastic physical features? We understand that technology is expensive, but let's not go overboard here.


[via Amazon]

